Standards Implementation


We offer support for Common Impact Data Standard and ISO/IEC AWI 5087 Series standards implementation. This support ranges from assisting with the (re-)design of systems to conform to the standards, to developing executable mappings to bridge the gap between existing systems and the standard specifications. More comprehensive solutions may include deploying a standard-conforming data hub tool to enable the semantic integration and interoperability of current and future systems.

Benefits of adopting standards.

Interoperability Organizations and experts can use the same language for a shared understanding of their domains. You and your partner organizations can align objectives with each other and with other stakeholders (e.g. community, funders). Interoperability promotes knowledge transfer and innovation in your sector and raises awareness of emerging needs and trends. It also facilitates machine interoperability, leading to automation of processes, seamless operationalization of shared knowledge, and technological improvements in tools.

Benchmarks Organizations and experts can define standard terms for measurements and tests. Data can be formatted in a way that allows for benchmarking. For example, rather than exporting and transforming individual records, data can be aggregated in the format required for benchmarking by other stakeholders and partner organizations. Benchmarking is critical for identifying gaps and duplication in services and funding. Evaluation of these results can determine future service offerings and direction.