Get familiar with the ISO/IEC AWI 5087 City Data Model Standard Series.

A City Data Model standard currently under development by the ISO/IEC Joint Technical Committee, Working Group 11 on Smart Cities.


We offer both introductory and intensive training options to familiarize you and your team with the ISO/IEC AWI 5087 Series. The content and structure may be tailored to your requirements. Typical training programs include the following:

Introduction to Ontologies

In this session, you will learn about the fundamentals of knowledge represenation for semantic interoperability. We will introduce the Semantic Web, its supported modelling languages, and the key technologies involved in implementation. An interactive session on possible applications in your organization may also be included. This session will last about 2-3 hours.

Introduction to the 5087 Series

In this session, you will learn what the ISO 5087 Series is and how it can be applied within your organization. A high-level overview of the entire ISO 5087 Series is provided with specific examples. This session will last about 1.5 hours.

Introduction to 5087-1 City Data Model - Part 1: Foundational Concepts (intensive, full-day):

In this session, you will gain detailed understanding of ISO 5087-1. We will cover all of the patterns specified in the standard, and facilitate interactive activities focusing on applications to improve your grasp of the concepts. This session will last a full day (about 6 hours).

Patterns that will be covered include:

  • Activity
  • Agent
  • Agreement
  • Change
  • Location
  • Mereology
  • Organization Structure
  • Provenance
  • Recurring Events
  • Resource
  • Time
  • Units of Measure

Introduction to 5087-2 City Data Model - Part 2: City Level Concepts(intensive, full-day):

In this session, you will gain detailed understanding of ISO 5087-2. We will cover all of the patterns specified in the standard, and facilitate interactive activities focusing on applications to improve your grasp of the concepts. This session will last a full day (about 6 hours).

Patterns that will be covered include:

  • Infrastructure
  • Transportation Infrastructure
  • Building
  • Land Use
  • Person
  • City Resident
  • Household
  • Organization
  • City
  • City Service
  • Indicator
  • Contract
  • Bylaw
  • Contact
  • Sensors

Introduction to 5087-3 City Data Model - Part 3: Service Level Concepts - Transportation Planning (intensive, full-day):

In this session, you will gain detailed understanding of ISO 5087-3. We will cover all of the patterns specified in the standard, and facilitate interactive activities focusing on applications to improve your grasp of the concepts. This session will last a full day (about 6 hours).

Adopting the 5087 Series (intensive, full-day):

In this intensive full-day session, you will learn how best to adopt the 5087 Standard series at your organization. We will cover key components including knowledge graphs, representation languages, and how to capture the data that is important for your organization. You will gain a basic understanding of the standard, and be guided through interactive activities focusing on applications to improve your grasp of the concepts. This session will last a full day (about 6 hours). For more support on adoption of the 5087 Standard series, we provide a Standards Implementation service.